Ghanaian rapper, XO Senavoe, has become the center of sexual abuse and rape allegations from over 5 different women.
In a trend that started on Twitter, the rapper was accused of allegedly getting women drunk with the intention of having sex with them in their drunken stupor.

Screenshots of a conversation where an alleged victim of the rapper’s sexual coercion revealed the details to another user of Twitter went viral and trended for a while.
However, a blog dedicated to Ghanaian feminism and female rights advocacy, published a post today titled, “6 Women Allege That XO Senavoe Raped Them”. The post detailed accounts of 6 different women who had claimed they were alleged victims of sexual abuse from the rapper.
“This guy will manipulate the hell out of you. The fav is that he’s an orphan blah blah. He pulls that pity card a lot…”
Throughout the 6 accounts, a certain theme seemed very conspicuous;
- The rapper would allegedly invite his victims over to his house
- He would then proceed to serve then alcohol until they get drunk
- In their drunken stupor, he would try to engage and sometimes successfully engage in sexual acts with them despite their clear attempts at not giving him consent.

Another similar trend in the victims’ account is how XO Senavoe would try to use pity-stories to manipulate his alleged victims. According to one of the 6 accounts published on GhanaFeminism.com, “This guy will manipulate the hell out of you. The fav is that he’s an orphan blah blah. He pulls that pity card a lot…”
In the words of one of the alleged victims, she “would never had slept with him if I was sober…”
X.O Senavoe, who is of Ghanaian and Nigerian heritage has worked with MI, Sauce Kid, R2Bees, D-Black, Ice Prince, Beazy, Corey Gunz and The Aphilliates among others.
Pulse Ghana has reached out to XO Senavoe for comments on the issue. He is yet to respond.
Originally published at pulse.com.gh on May 16, 2016.