…of dead goats, goat serums as cure for HIV and goats as bribes
I was doing research for a piece about how goats are very much embedded into the Ghanaian culture and the fiber of Ghanamanism.

My research led me to very deep parts of Ghanaian blogosphere where I came across one very interesting comment. Figured I should share with you all for the humor and apt insight it provides.
1. First and foremost, the goat is elevated in our minds by default by unenviable place his cousin, the sheep, holds in our minds.
A sheep is seen as stupid, indolent (and peaceful and thus good for sacrifice if we’re counting positive perspectives too) and as such these qualities are subconsciously associated with any endeavor that the sheep is involved in. The goat on the other hand is seen as wily, smart and a worthy opponent. Imagine the notion President Mahama scaring a sheep with a knife rather than a goat.
That is just plain lame and akin to stealing candy from a baby!
A chicken in that adage will represent much more of a challenge than a sheep. But a killing and scaring chickens is the purview of young men with the smell their mother’s milk still on their lips….not men (as i’m sure Mr. Mahama deems himself to be.)
2. On the matter of the goat as a bribe…
…when a man sells his conscience and integrity it will certainly not be for a cheap, common chicken and likewise not for a stupid, indolent sheep. A cow would suffice but that would break one of the main tenets of bribery; they should be discreet and draw attention to the act.
A cow is too big to hide, it smells of opulence.
This is Ghana, bring home a cow and kill it and surely ones neighbors will be peaking over our wall and wishing you “good morning” in the evening with designs in the eyes over your kill. That leaves the poor goat as the most prudent choice for a bribe.
3. Perhaps what most makes us a “one nation under goat” is very much the taste of goat meat.
That whole unique, sharp, pungent, lingering and “delicious” taste and smell of goat meat that only a nation that appreciate koobi and kpakpo shito will understand.
— Ekow as a comment under “One nation under Goats” by Abena Serwaa
PS: This is not the final article I intended to write, that would come a while later!